区Skin whitening
区Deeply cleanse the skin
区Remove blackheads
区Skin shaping and firming
区Surgical care
Seven kinds of lights
to meet your different needs
PDT emits light of a specific wavelength, penetrates the surface of the skin, reachesthe subcutaneous fat layer, convert the light
energy into intracellular energy,acceleratecell growth process, increases blood cir-culation, and 2nd stimulate fibroblasts to producecollagen.
Easy to achieve ance removal, wrinkles removal, increase skin elasticity andrestore skin vitality.lt has been proven to be effective for the treatment
of various aspectsof aging of the skin.
Multiple studies have shown the improvement of fine wrinkles,hyper .pigmentation and roughness.These results are respalded
by the in crease incollagen production.
Working principle of best led light therapy device
Blo-LIght Therapy ls the Interaction of light,delivered through Light Emitting Dlodes(LEDs),to cause blo-stlmulatlon on cell receptors.Blo-Ll-
ght therapy encourages natural cell re-newaland healing. By stimulating these actions, damage caused by the sun, the environment naturalaging
and other external factors can be safely and painlessly remedied. Various studiesaround the worid suggest that Blo-Llght Therapy stimulates
blood and lymph circulation, decreases lnflammation, and lmproves cellular metabolism andprotein synthesls( collagen).

The principle of light waves
LED colorful photodynamic skin beauty instrument, 7 diferent wavelengths of red, blue, purple, yellow, green, cyan and
white light can solve various skin problems
650nm Red light can enhance the cells activity, promote cells metabolism, make skin excrete largenumber of collagen protein and
fibre tissue to fill on their own; accelerate blood circulation,increase skin elasticity.Accelerate blood circulation, activate skin tissues, repair
damaged skin,tendering skin and dispel crinkles,tighten pore, and proliferate collagen protein.
417nm Blu-ray Blue light of 417nm wavelength acts on the skin surface ,react with caroline produced bypropionibacterium ,kills propioni
bacterium directly ,does not damage any skin tissue,and solves the problem of acne muscle at root,For youthful bacteria,nhibit
sebaceousglands,prevent wound infection,sedation and allergic skin is very helpful.
1055nm Purple light Restrain the desire to eat. Bactericidal and anti-inflamma tory.Renew skin, reduce wrinkles,especially useful in treating and
repairing acne and acne-scars.accelerate the exfoliation ofaging cuticle,remove yellowish dull,clean and tender like new life.
1171nm Yellow light It uses wavelength of 1171nm LED and it makes Enhance blood circulation, activatingcells, stimulate the cell excitability active role.
Increasing the skin collagen fiber and elasticfibers avoiding the skin redness.
535nm Green light Wavelength 535nm ,neutralizing,ba lancingand stable ,can reduce skin oilsecretion,balance the proportion of water and oil,ffectively
relieve mental tension ,dredgelymph and edema.
500nm Blue light Enhance the energy of new cells in order ,with a good effect on metabolism,balancesecretion ,calm the skin and control oli .Strengthen
the ability to protect of skin itself.Calmdown, release stress, and cure sunburn.
1586nm White lght The wavelength is 1586nm, penetrates the deep layer of the skin, accelerates themetabolism of active tissues,
breaks down stains, improves fine lines and relaxes the skin.